Coirt iomarcach madraí: modhanna ceartúcháin

Coirt iomarcach madraí: modhanna ceartúcháin

Why should a dog bark

Barking is an important signal. And it is absolutely necessary for any normal dog. The ban on barking is the same as for people the ban on calls for help in emergency situations.

Barking is, rather, not a means of communication, but a way of alerting “Something is wrong!”

 The protective qualities of a dog are embedded in genes that cannot be crushed with a finger. Therefore, if the dog barks at a knock on the door or a bell, do not punish him. The main thing is to encourage the first “woofs” and not to encourage prolonged and “useless” barking. However, sometimes a dog barks on business and not on business, which can not only get on the owner’s nerves, but also become a source of conflict with others, especially with neighbors.

Pictured: dog barking

Correction of excessive barking at home

First of all, find out why the dog is barking and try to eliminate the cause. There can be a lot of them: anxiety, fear, lack of communication and attention, excessive joy or low level of physical activity. Perhaps the dog is barking because he is afraid of something. Teach your puppy to different noises, walk in new places, communicate with other animals and people.

Under no circumstances should a dog be physically punished for whining or barking. Apply either a command with an excerpt (for example, “Lie down”) or “No” and “No”.

 Before leaving the dog alone, walk it well, give it the opportunity to run out so that there is less energy left for barking. The switch might work. If your dog is barking, call out loudly, clap your hands, and quickly walk the other way. If your pet runs after you, praise him.

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