Conas aois cat a chinneadh ag comharthaí seachtracha?

Conas aois cat a chinneadh ag comharthaí seachtracha?

If you bought a kitten in a cattery or your pet gave it to you, you know the age of the pet very well. But what if you adopted a cat from a shelter or picked it up on the street? You need to know her age at least in order to choose the right food for her.

fiacla cat

Examine the animal carefully. You can determine its age by external signs, and first of all by the teeth. This is one of the most accurate methods for determining the age of a cat, but even it only gives an approximate estimate of the age of an adult cat.

  1. Newborn kittens have no teeth at all.

  2. At the age of two weeks, their milk teeth begin to cut: they are thinner and sharper than the molars.

  3. By six months, milk teeth are replaced by molars: an adult should have 30 teeth.

  4. By about two years old, the pet’s teeth begin to turn yellow, the lower incisors are gradually erased.

  5. By the age of three to five, the cat’s teeth turn even more yellow, the upper incisors and fangs begin to wear off.

  6. At the age of five or ten, her teeth begin to fall out little by little, their color becomes dark yellow.

  7. An older cat is missing many teeth, and those that remain will be heavily worn and dark yellow in color.

If all the teeth are in place, but the cat looks very mature, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Appearance of a cat

Pay attention to your pet’s eyes. Young cats have bright, shiny, transparent eyes. With age, the iris becomes paler, the lens becomes less transparent.

You can also estimate the age of a cat by its coat. The coat of young animals is dense, shiny, without bald spots and matted areas. Healthy cats take good care of their coat. The coat of older animals may be less dense. And yes – cats, like people, turn gray with age.

Young cats have better muscle development because they are more active than their older counterparts. You can feel a new pet and determine how dense and elastic his muscles are, how much fat deposits are on his body.

iompar cat

In addition to appearance, you should also pay attention to the behavior of your ward. Little kittens and young cats are playful, active, always involved in entertainment and can chase a ball around the house for hours. They have an excellent appetite, they enjoy eating their food and often require supplements. 

Adults and older animals are less active. They will prefer to lie on a couch or windowsill for a long game, they have a longer sleep and a much lower need for a large amount of food.

In any case, if you doubt that you were able to correctly determine the age of a new pet, you can always consult with a veterinarian. He will recommend the best diet for your cat and develop an exercise program for her.

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