Aiste bia cait aimridithe: bia agus déileálann

Aiste bia cait aimridithe: bia agus déileálann

Sterilization and castration of pets is a necessary measure for those owners of four-legged friends who do not plan to breed. The procedure has a positive effect on the health of the pet, but makes its own adjustments to the metabolism and hormonal levels. Neutered and neutered dogs and cats tend to be overweight, so they need special food and special treats. 

After castration or sterilization due to hormonal changes in a cat, the rhythm of life changes. The pet becomes less active, the metabolism in the body slows down. There is a risk of gaining excess weight.

Extra pounds for a pet are fraught with health problems. It is important to choose the right balanced diet and try to play with the cat more often, stimulating her to move. 

If before castration or sterilization you prepared food for your pet on your own, stay on the “natural” at least for a while. A sudden change in the type of feeding can be a big stress for a four-legged friend. Discuss with your veterinarian which foods and treats you should prepare for your pet after the procedure.

If you gave your pet a ready-made complete food, choose a professional line that will meet the new needs of your ward’s body. It must be a food specifically for sterilized cats (for example, Monge Sterilized Cat). 

Professional spay foods are low in calories, easy to digest, contain minimal amounts of magnesium and phosphorus to avoid problems with the urinary system. 

The main ingredient in cat food and treats should be meat. Moderate calorie and fat content, enriched with fiber, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants (for example, vitamin E) in the composition – these are the characteristics of a suitable diet for spayed cats.

Help your pet stay hydrated. A surefire way to prevent dehydration is to place bowls of clean water throughout your home and keep them clean at all times. You can purchase a special drinking fountain for cats. If the cat does not consume enough liquid, it is better to switch it to wet complete food or to combined feeding: dry and wet food of the same brand. 

Aiste bia cait aimridithe: bia agus déileálann

Easily digestible, low-calorie treats will help spayed pets not gain weight. Treats can be used in games and training to reward a pet and just for no reason to please your furry friend, to establish contact with him. 

It is better to choose food and treats of the same brand: they are usually similar in composition, blend well with each other and do not create a load on the digestive system. An example of an ideal combination is a balanced diet of tuna for spayed Monge Tonno cats and canned tuna with vegetables for spayed Monge Paté terrine Tonno cats.

Even low-calorie cat treats have nutritional values ​​that need to be taken into account when calculating the daily feeding requirement. Treats should add variety to the diet and make up a maximum of 10% of the diet. Do not replace your main meal with treats.

Read the ingredients of treats carefully. Make sure that it does not contain GMOs, dyes, chemical preservatives.

A sterilized pet may beg you for a treat, even if it is not at all hungry. Do not respond to such tricks of your ward. This can become a habit, and the pet will start to overeat.

Aiste bia cait aimridithe: bia agus déileálann

Whiskered-striped – wayward creatures, even the best treats for cats may not be to their liking. It happens that it’s not about the delicacy: it’s just that the pet prefers the turkey, not the chicken. Consider what kind of food your pet likes. Observe whether the treat aroused interest and delight in him. Is there any manifestation of an allergic reaction, are you feeling well? Remember that each four-legged friend is unique, each needs an individual approach. Let choosing the perfect treat be another reason for you to get to know your pet better.

We hope that our recommendations will help you in choosing treats for your four-legged friends. We wish you to always find a common language with your pets and pamper them with healthy and tasty treats!


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