An féidir ubh bhruite agus amh (bán agus buíocán) a bheith ag francach

An féidir ubh bhruite agus amh (bán agus buíocán) a bheith ag francach

Wanting to diversify the diet of a tailed pet, owners often indulge the animal with various delicacies, such as dairy products, meat and eggs. Is it possible for a rat to have a boiled or raw egg, and will such a treat harm the health of a rodent?

Boiled eggs on the rat menu: good or bad?

Domestic rats eat boiled eggs with pleasure. Therefore, some owners almost every day treat their little pets with such a delicacy, believing that it is good for their body and gives their fur a shine and a well-groomed appearance.

This product is indeed a healthy and nutritious treat for cute animals, but if used improperly, it can be harmful to the health of the animal.

You can avoid this by following a few rules:

  • Rodents may be allergic to this product. Therefore, when offering eggs to rats for the first time, it is necessary to observe whether the animal has an allergic reaction (itching, redness of the skin);
  • adult pets are fed with a boiled egg no more than once a week;
  • small rat pups can be given such a delicacy every three to four days;
  • rats like boiled egg yolk more than protein. But the animal can choke on the yolk and it is advisable to dilute it with a small amount of water or milk before feeding;
  • it is not recommended to give fried eggs to pets, as they are prepared with the addition of sunflower or vegetable oil, which is harmful to the liver of rodents;
  • do not forget that these products are quite high in calories and their excessive consumption can lead to the development of obesity in the animal.

Important: rodents should not be fed salty, spicy and spiced food, so you should not give them eggs from your table, for example, stuffed or poured with sauce.

Should You Give Your Pets Raw Eggs?

Wild rats often raid chicken coops in the hope of profiting not only from bird food, but also from their favorite delicacy – chicken eggs. For the same purpose, animals often plunder the nests of sparrows or pigeons. Indeed, for tailed animals, forced to survive in harsh conditions, this product is a valuable source of protein and vitamins.

But, unlike their wild relatives, ornamental rodents do not need additional protein, as they receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins from the feed, which is made taking into account the needs of these animals. Therefore, feeding small pets with raw chicken eggs is undesirable, and sometimes even harmful. The fact is that they sometimes contain parasite larvae, for example, worms and animals after such a treat can become infected with them, which will lead to long-term treatment.

As an exception, you can pamper your pet with a raw quail egg. Such a treat should be given to the rat no more than once every two weeks. The serving should not exceed half a teaspoon.

If a pet likes to eat a boiled or raw egg, you should not deny him such pleasure, because in moderation this product will become a tasty and healthy addition to his diet.

Is it possible to give eggs to domestic rats

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